Second Attempt of Pigs Ears (a German Sweet)

I still had puff pastry in the fridge, that needed to get a purpose. The original plan was to do Beef Wellington. Then I didn't have the patience to work through all the steps. Back-up recipe: Pigs Ears. This time without the chocolate covering. The ingredients are very simple: 1 sheet puff pastry (store bought), sugar and cinnamon. I mix the sugar with the cinnamon and then put it in a sugar shaker. It makes it for an easy distribution. Unroll the sheet of puff pasty. I do that on a silicon matt, that has measurements on the side. This comes up really handy when folding. The bottom left corner lines up with the 0 marker on the matt. The sheet is 15" high. The first fold of both ends needs to meet roughly at 7.5". Add some of the sugar and cinnamon mixture on the entire sheet and then fold. Add more sugar and cinnamon on the folded puff pastry. Then fold both sides again, so they meet at the existing 7.5" line again. I did run out of the sugar cinnamon mixture. I...