
It is hard to come by good bread. So I am going to work myself through recipes. Ursula M. posted the following on Facebook. I just halfed everything, I didn't want that many broetchen. We need: 3/4 cup of hand warm water 2 cups unbleached King Arthur bread flower. 3/4 tsp salt 1 tsb dry yeast 1/4 tsp sugar I used the dough hook on my kitchen machine. Add the salt, sugar and yeast to the water and stir until it is dissolved. Turn on the kitchen machine and start on very low speed. Slowly add the water with the dissolved salt, yeast and sugar. When the dough comes together keep the machine on low for another 2-3 minutes. Then turn it off. On a flowered surface, knead the dough for 5 minutes. I formed a roll, then put on a plate, cover with plastic wrap and let it rise for 45 min. Preheat the oven to 500F. Cut the dough into 1" slices, and cut a slice over the full length. Drip your finger in a little bit of milk and smear it on the top of the broetc...