Pork Gulash with Fire Roasted Tomatoes

This is a very easy meal. Takes about 90 minutes. We need: 1 pork tender loin 1 medium onion coarsely slices 1/4 tsb thyme 1/2 tsb of salt 1/2 tsb of pepper 1 can fire roasted tomatoes 1 medium clove of garlic coarsely chopped. 1/2 tsp of cooking oil 1/2 cup of water Cut the tender loin to bite size pieces. For all things that take more then 30 min I like to use a dutch oven. So this is going into my small dutch oven. Any other pot will do. Heat up the oil, add the chopped onions and let them get translucent. Add the pork and and turn up the heat to high. Let the pork sear and get some color. Stir, you don't want the onions to burn. So pay attention, when the sound is like burning wood... When you have the desired color, add the contents of the can of tomato, all the spices, garlic and 1/2 cup of water. Turn the heat down. From now on we want nothing but simmer. So check every 15 minutes. You may have to add some water. Just add some more seasoning as well. Simmer for about 1h....