Chopped Beef with Home Made Noodles - a Beef Wellington Inspiration

The original intent was to make Beef Wellington Ravioli. While cooking I changed my mind. The noodles turned out decent. It was only my 5th time to make noodles myself. I think I will do that more often. The meat Wellington style was good as well. I don't think the recipe for red wine reduction was great. I think it may even be incorrect with some of the measurements. So I am not going to post it. Here is what worked. Noodles: 1 cup and 2tbps of all purpose flower 2 eggs 1tbsp of olive oil. In a bowl mix all of it. Because it was really hard to get a nice dough, I added 1 more tbsp of olive oil and about 4 tbsp of water to it. I could still feel flour pockets, so I did run it a few times through the paster maker. Then I folded them all over, pressed them down, put it into plastic wrap and did set it aside for 30 minutes.. In the mean time fill a big pot with water, season it with salt and bring it to a boil. Meat: beef tenderloin, chop it in small pieces 4 medium mushrooms chopped ...