Deboned leg of lamb version 13

I picked up a deboned butterflied leg of lamb the other day. It is time to prepare that. 
I have a couple of good recipes for marinating the lamb, but I was looking for something new. Again I researched the internet and this is what I came up with.
  • 1 generous tbsp of olive oil
  • 2 tbsp of red wine vinegar. (There is a story to the bottle of red wine vinegar I have on the counter top. Red wine vinegar is not something I use a lot, not to say never ... The bottle on my countertop was part of set of olive oil and balsamic. Of course both of those bottles have been empty for 25+ years, but the set with the red wine vinegar in the middle just looked nice. According to the internet, if the bottle is properly sealed and stored in a dry place, it can last indefinitely. OK, I take my chances and it worked. Pssssst, the bottle is 28 years old, totally clear liquid, no smell and tastes like vinegar).
  • 3 hand chopped cloves of garlic
  • 1 eye balled tsp of fresh rosemary (I went to the grocery store only for that)
  • 1/2 tsp of dried thyme
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • black pepper (eyeballed a bit more then 1/2 tsp)

The leg of lamb had a bit to much fat on  the outside, so I ended up trimming it a bit. In a little bowl add all the spices and mix them up. I ended up spilling a bit of this, so I added another 2 tsp of olive oil and 2 tsp of red wine vinegar. Mix again.
In a sealable plastic bag add the meat and all of the marinade. Work it so it codes is all around. Try to press out all of the air and close it up tight. I marinated it for about 7 hours in the fridge.

A good thing to use for lamp is a BBQ. Now it is winter. Ok, it is way above freezing, but I didn't feel like standing outside babysitting a BBQ. 
The alternative: I use my cast iron BBQ skillet.  Add some oil and make sure all the "rails" have a good coating. Bring up the skillet to temperature and add the lamb leg. Cook for about 5 minutes and check

The meat ended up pulling together - reducing the food print and increasing in thickness. This is usually not good for cooking times.

After turning it over and cooking it for another 5 minutes, check again. I decided to cut it into slices and put it back into the pan.


Now nice grill marks can be created. Each side takes about 3 minutes.
Earlier in the day I made a batch of rice. I decided this is one of the sides and a nice side wintery side salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, pomegranate's, onions, feta, mushrooms with a basilco, olive oil, lime, maple sirup and some oregano dressing is the perfect match. As a drink a nice glas of red wine.


P.S1. I will post later about the rice. I like this new version.


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