Pork Roast of a Different Kind

There was that pork loin looking at me for 2 days. And then there was the idea.

We need for the roast:
2 lbs of pork loin, seasoned with your favorite spice combo from all side
1 large onion coarsely chopped
6 or 7 dried chanterelles
olive oil
8 juniper berries
1 tetra pack of bone broth
2 cloves of garlic chopped
salt pepper  to taste

To finish
1/2 cup low fat half and half
3/4 cup of butter milk.

In a dutch oven, add the olive oil and  heat it up. On high heat add the pork loin  and sear all sides. They need to get color. Stay with it, don't leave. When the color is to your satisfaction, turn down the heat to medium high, add the onions and let them get a little translucent. Add all the remaining items from the roast list, let it get to a boil and then turn the heat down to simmer until the roast falls apart.
Thicken up the sauce. I like Mondamin, but corn starch and water mixed very well will do. Add half/half and butter milk for the tang. May be add some more thickener.

Serve with red cabbage or any other veggie or mashed potatoes (was my choice) or noodles or Spaetzle.

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