Beef Filet with Potatoes, Sauteed Garlic Mushrooms and Cucumber Salad

It is almost weekend and that means smoking time. I went to BJ's, got myself a beef tenderloin and a few other things. The weekend can come. I trimmed the loin a bit, cut 5 steaks from it, and the rest went into larger chunks, so I can either smoke them or put them in the slow cooker.

Potatoes: just cook them to your liking

Sauteed Mushrooms:
1.5 cups of sliced mushroom (this time I used 50/50 white and baby bell mushrooms)
1/2 medium onion finely chopped
1 medium clove of garlic  pressed through the garlic presser
1 tsp of margarine
2 tbsp of sour creme
salt, pepper
Melt the margarine in a frying pan, add the onions and let them get translucent. Add the mushroom and over medium low heat, start sauteing them. Add salt and pepper to taste. Once the mushrooms are cooked down and there is liquid in the pan, add the garlic and the source creme. Over low heat saute until the liquid is almost gone and turn off the heat.

Steak: Cook it to your liking
In a frying pan melt 1 tsp of margarine. I just seasoned it with salt and pepper just before I add them to the pan. Cook until it is done to your liking. I want my steak medium rare, so the inner temperature should not be more then 130-135F for me. Yes, I do use a meat thermometer. There is no shame in that.
When it is done, you can optionally add some spice mix. I started to do that, so the mix does not burn.
Cucumber salad:
1 cucumber
1 spring onions
1tsp sugar
1tbps white vinegar
3 tbsp water
fresh dill finely chopped
salt, pepper
Peal 1 cucumber and slice it very thinly into a large bowl. Clean and chip the spring onion and add them to the large bowl. In a small bowl add the sugar, vinegar, water and the fresh dill and mix so the sugar dissolves. Pure the fluid over the salad, mix and let is stand and sit for a while.
Serve all of it with a glass of wine or a nice beer.


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