In Your Mouth Melting Beef Loin with Garlic Mash and Garlic Butter

It is Sunday. Today's menu is supposed to throw a couple of corn ears and some beef loin onto the smoker. I wake up and hear it raining. After hanging out in bed for another hour watching TV and a fresh coffee the rain still hadn't stopped. The weather forecast keeps talking rain all day. Well, time for a backup plan. 
I keep a 4" thick piece of beef loin, the rest gets cut up for steaks and another 4" piece and stuck into the freezer for some other day.

I read somewhere it is good to take the beef out of the fridge, season it and let it sit on the counter top for a couple of hours. They really used the word "couple" this can mean 1h, 2h or there about. So I opted to season the beef from all sides, just with salt and pepper and let it sit on the counter top for about 1hour.
Preparation work:
  • take 2 tsp of butter at room temperature, smash 1 clove of garlic  and mix with it with the butter
  • line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. 
After 1h start cooking 3 medium potatoes.
Heat up a cast iron skillet, melt 1.5 tsp of margarine and sear the beef from all sides. You may need to stand there and hold it in place with tongues when you sear the sides.
While doing this my counter top oven was heating up to 450F (according to the device settings, and 340F for the thermometer I have sitting inside). So who knows what temperature it really has. But I work around this. 😁
After it is seared transfer the meat to the lined baking sheet. Insert a meat thermometer and put it into the oven. I let the inner temperature go up to 135F. (next time I am going to stop at just short of 130F for a medium rare).  Take it out, cover with aluminum foil to rest for 15 min. 
The potatoes should be fully cooked by now.  Drain them and add 1 tsp of butter, 1/2 cup half/half, 1 smashed clove of garlic, the tip of a knife full of nutmeg, 1 heaping tbsp sour creme and smash it until it has the consistency you like. I keep the peel on and like it if it is still a bit chunky.
Serve topped with garlic butter.
This  I skipped the side salad...
- Mahlzeit-


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