Prime Rib Roast, Garlic Mash and Garlic Sauted Spinach With a Red Wine Sauce

I ordered 2 bones prime rib roast from a butcher  in a grocery store. Lucky me. With all the power outages, they were still handing out orders, but anything else needing cooling was off limits on Friday. One could watch the thermometer how temperature dropped.
I still had to go on Saturday and get the remaining items from my shopping list. (Note to self, don't procrastinate).
So this is going to be rather lengthy. The original recipe and the menu idea is coming from Recipetineats.
Of course I ended up changing a few things, as I had some other things in mind and some of the things I didn't have.
I actually did turned on my alarm clock for 7:30am to get the rib roast out of the fridge. This is not a time I want to be waken up when I am in vacation. Eventually I got up at 10am.
1. Step: make garlic butter
  • 8 oz of unsalted butter (=226g, I wanted to have more, so I can use it for the garlic mash and spinach and what ever is left over goes nicely with some home made bread
  • 3/4 tsp of tried thyme
  • 1 sprig of frozen rosemary (they are almost as dried, so when chopping, put your hand over it, otherwise the cut pieces jump all over)
  • I used the 5 biggest cloves of garlic from the picture
  • a little less then 1 tsp of salt
  • ground pepper, if you like a lot, use a lot, otherwise use a lot less

2. Step 
pre-heat the oven to 460F 

3. Step
Cook some potatoes for the garlic mash. This time I decided, to just do salted water and add the cleaned unpeeled  potatoes and cook until done. When done drain the water and let them stand to cool down.
When they are good for the touch, peel them and add them to a bow. Add some of the garlic butter and buttermilk. Mix well and add to the oven (if it is 250F) to keep warm.

4. Step
Load the cast iron pan
  • 2 onions, cleaned, cut in 1/2 and then cut into 1/3 
  • lots of garlic like about 10 big cloves
  • 2 sprigs of frozen rosemary
  • 1 tbsp of dried thyme
  • add 1/2 cup of water
5. Step (in this order)
  • put a small layer of the garlic butter at the bone side
  • salt and pepper the roast
  • add a little less then 2/3 of the garlic butter and all sides of the roast
  • put it into the oven

This goes into the oven for 20 minutes Put a timer on it, and take it out after 20 minutes. The crust looks almost perfect. The recipe calls for me butter to be applied. Let's be honest the the surface of the meat is hot by now adding more butter to all sides, is not working. I just added some of the top and called it a day.
Turn down the temperature to 250F.
Now the timer goes to 30 minutes. And then I basted it again with the liquid from the pan. I added a meat thermometer that I can leave in. In another 30 minutes I checked and basted it again. At this point I increased the temperature to 275F, put the timer to 25minutes. When I checked then, the internal temperature was at 122F (perfect) . I removed it from the stove, covered it with heavy duty aluminum foil. Let it sit for 20-30 minutes.
I like my meat medium rare. If you want other temperatures, please follow the original recipe.
In the last 30 minutes, make some beef broth or cook water and add them beef broth bullion. I used 3 cups of water and 1 tsp of better then beef boullion.
6. Step
In a frying pan add some more of the garlic butter and melt it, add the spinach. Spinach really needs only 2-3 minutes to be cooked. Turn off the heat.
To make the red wine sauce. The cast iron pan will be most likely not be large enough. Put all the drippings into a larger pot, add the broth and a better red wine. Bring to a boil and reduce for about 10 minutes. (Now if there is hardly any fluid to begin with, don't don't burn it.
Thick it  with either some  corn starch (or Mondamin)
8. Step
- Mahlzeit-



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