Pork Loins 2 Ways

I had a couple of pork loins in the freezer, that I wanted to use. I really only wanted to use 1 of them. They were packed separate, but connected. Unfortunately the seal between them didnt seal properly. So I had to defrost both of them. First I thought, I have not used the smoker in a long time, but it was rain in the forecast for all Friday. Ok, regroup, and I made them on the stove/oven.
Friday morning they were defrosted,
One of the loins was pretty flat, so I just butterflied it. A have a salt free Dash Garlic & Herb seasoning. This went very generously inside as well as a large clove of garlic slices on both parts of the butterfly with some salt, pepper and garlic powder. After flipping over the other the other side, I used some butcher twine to bind it. Set aside.


The second loin was more round. I cut it so it would end up like a flat piece of meat. of course it was not perfect. I will roll it back together at the end. Once laid out flat, some salt and pepper, not to much. 2 slices of bacon cut in half, and put over the meat, so it covers all of it. Then I rolled in back together and secured with with butcher twine. 
From the outside I coded both of them with a Texas BBQ rub very generously. 

In a Dutch Oven I melted 2 tbsp of margarine. I added the 2 loins and seared them from all sides.
In the mean time I cut a large onion in larger chunks and preheat the oven to 375F.

Don't let the meat burn. Add some water. When the searing is complete at 1 cup of water and the onions. 
When the oven signals ready, add another cup of water and move the DO into the oven and let it cood until the internal temperature reaches 160F. Check every 15 minutes for the liquid levels add water if needed. I like to have some more because I use it to make the sauce.
When done, remove the loins from the sauce and set aside. Remove the twine and slice in thick slices.


I added 1 cup of buttermilk to the liquid, brought it to a boild and did bind it with a mix of constarch and water.
Serve with sides of your choice. For me it was fries and green beens. This easy gave 4 meals.




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