Asian Inspired Duck Noodle Soup

The Thai place up the road is for weeks now out of duck noodle soup. Following a principle I grew up with "Create yourself what you can't get", it is time to make my own version.
I read through many recipes on the internet to come up with something, I think, will work.
There will be 3 steps
  1. Roast the duck
  2. make some broth
  3. make some more duck broth from the duck bones
I want my duck really bown. I found some Pomegranate Molasses in the store and just bough one bottle. It is sweet and has some nice tang to it. The oyster sauce from the picture I ended up not using for the roasting process.
Preheat the oven to 375F.
I cleaned the duck, removed the neck and parts of the wings and access skin and fat from the duck. Pad dray with a paper towel. Sprinkle salt and pepper into the cavity, cut the apple into smaller slices and stuff them into the duck, Salt and pepper from the outside. Brush some Pomegranate Molasses all over the outside.  Use a turkey pan that has a tray in the bottom. Fill water up to the tray and place the duck into the pan and into the oven it goes. 

After 15 min check on the water level. Add some water if needed. After another 15 minutes check again, turn the heat down to 350F, and  brush some more molasses onto the duck. Keep checking the water level. After another 30 minutes, turn over the duck, brush some molasses onto the duck.
Keep roasting until the duck is done. Repeat the basting after 30 minutes. Mine took a total of 2 hours to be done. Cooking time may vary depending on the size and the age of the duck.
When the duck is done, take it out of the oven and let it cool down to the touch.
Cook some pho noodles per instructions of the package.
The broth:
  • 1.5 tetra packs of chicken stock
  • 1 black cardamon
  • 1/4 tsp of ground cinnamon
  • 10 Allspice
  • 1 Star Anise
  • 1 pack of dried mushrooms e.g. shiitake ( like 10-15 of them) 
  • 3 slices of fresh ginger
Mix everything in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and simmer covered for about 15 min. Add a bit of the oyster sauce and some bok choi and simmer for 5 more minutes. Season to taste with salt.
Remove the duck meat and cut into bite size pieces add to the broth to get heated up.
In a bowl, add the noodles,  cover with the broth, duck, bok choi. Garnish with some fresh cilantro.
Optional add some hot sauce.
- Mahlzeit- 

In a small pan add the removed duck fat, skin, wing parts and get them roasted. 
In a stock pot, add all of this, all the bones from the duck, 1 small onion cleaned and chopped into quarters, and 8 fresh baby carrots (the ones one can buy in a bag for immedate consumption), cover with water. Bring to a boil, turn the heat down and simmer for 3 hours. Strain into a container and let it cool down and then it goes into the freeze. Next time I can use the duck broth for this soup.



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