Story Part 3 : The Smoker Gets Busy

Time to deal with the country style pork ribs. The spice rub will be easy this time, just Old Bay Spice. During the smoking I will be basting with  Lucky 32 Southern Kitchen Voodoo Sauce.
It is sweet and spicy and tangy. I like it a lot.
I also added 4 slices of bacon and some meat balls on the smoker.
I removed the tray with the bacon and the meat balls after 90 minutes. Now this is smoked bacon. Any so called smoked bacon from the grocery store may have walked past a smoker, but that is about it. Next time I reduce the smoking time to 60 minutes as 220F. The meat part of the bacon got a little dry. This is the taste of bacon I remember growing up. 
The pork stayed on the smoker for another 2 hours. Every 30 minutes the meat gets basted with the VooDoo Sauce.
Serve with what ever sides.


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