Amerikaner Version 2 with Chocolate Glaze

The original recipe is coming from here: Amerikaner mit Hirschhornsalz . Sorry, this is all in German. Here is the translation and I note, where I changed things. For the dough we need: 75g butter at room temperature (2.65oz) 175g sugar (6.17 oz) 1 egg at room temperature 3g salt (0.1oz) 15g bakers amonia = salt of hartshorn (0.53oz) 250ml milk (more then the orginal) (8.45 oz) (keep the milk on the countertop for about 1hour before starting to bake with it) 3 tsbp cold milk 500g sifted all purpose flower (17.64 oz) 1/4 tsp good vanilla extract (my addition) 1/2 tsp lemon extract (my addition) I recommend to get a good kitchen scale that knows metric and imperial. It should show at least 1 digit after the comma. I bought mine at Williams Sonoma for about 65$ a few years go. Note this is not a recommendation. There are other places where one can get decent scales. Baker's Ammonia can be bought off Amazon. Note, it has a very strong smell. Follow the storage recommendations of the s...