Cheese Cake with Crumbles

This recipe was posted by Anastasia Thompson in Facebook. 
All the unit are for standard European measurements. Many things are sold in 250g per container. Here in the US it is a different story, so I have to adjust things a little bit. My numbers in round brackets. It really pays if one has a scale that speaks oz and grams,

The crust
  • 250g of cold butter cut into little chunks. (I was short about 10g)
  • 375g of flower (369 g, it just happened to be this number with the last scoop)
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 150g sugar (140g).

I decided to mix the flower with the salt and the sugar. I did cut the butter into small pieces. Slowly but surely I added the flower sugar mixture using a pastry cutter. Eventually I added the egg. At then end all of this ended up on a silicon matt to knead.

The dough was 780g, The original recipe recommends to cut it in half. Which I managed to do by eye almost exact. 
Line a the bottom of a 24cm spring form with parchment paper. I have some pre-cut for the form, that I got when I bought a set of baking forms. Getting the bottom and the sides covered properly was work, 
Next time I bake this, it will be more like 60/40. 40% for the crumbles and the rest for the form.
Set all a side.
For the filling:
  • 500g cream cheese ( 1 container original Philadelphia = 453g = 8oz)
  • 500g full fat Greek yogurt ( 1 container Faye 5% yogurt = 453g = 8z)
  • 200g sugar (190g)
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar
  • 3 eggs
  • 30g cornstarch (28g)
  • juice of half a lemon ( I used almost all the juice of a full lemon, just used a bit to make a glass of lemonade)
In a bowl I mixed the sugar and the vanilla sugar. I decided to let my stand mixer to do the work. 
In go the 3 eggs and the sugar mix. Mix for a minute on 3. Add the Greek yogurt and mix. Start slow with level 1, then up the speed to 2 and 3. If it looks creamy, add the cream cheese. Again start slow on 1, then gradually increase the speed. When it looks smooth turn off the mixer and spring the cornstarch on top of it and mix again. At last add the lemon juice. It already tastes great.

Add the mix into the form. Break the remaining dough into small pieces and drop them over the cake
Bake at 347F for about 50-60 minutes. My stove only has increments of 5, so 350F it was. I ended up giving another 20 minutes to the baking process. Next time, I may actually even add another 5-10 minutes.
Let is completely cool before opening the form. I can tell you that was torture.


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