Cornish Hen my Style

On Friday they had single packed Cornish Hen. Most of the time one has to buy 2. I picked one up.  
I took it from the freezer this morning and by 5pm it was defrosted.
I did cut the at the breast side, so I can flip the hen open.
  • salt 
  • lime pepper
  • paprika
  • ground chipotle pepper
Line a sheet tray with aluminum foil, place the hen on it and into the oven for 45 min at 400F convection. Now I dial on my counter top oven 400F, the thermometer I have place inside, said 350F. Who knows what is right. I think the thermometer is correct, because I only baked bread in there and it didn't turn out that great.

In a little bowl, mix 2 tsp of maple sirup and 1 tsp of balsamic vinegar. After 45 min, baste the hen, turn the heat to 350F. After another 10 minutes, baste again. After another 10 min turn off the heat and serve.
As you can see, I already started to eat and then I remembered to take the picture. 


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