Sour Dough Bread with Chinese Chives

This is not the first attempt at a savory bread, but this one is a home run.

1.5 cups of unbleached all purpose flower
1 cup of sour dough starter
3/4 cup of warm water
2 tsb of dry active yeast
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp of salt
1 tsb of baking soda
1/5 of a bunch of chinese chives

Cut the chinese chives into small pieces. If they have flowers, don't worry, cut them to.
In the bowl of a stand mixer add the flower, salt, the baking soda and the chopped chives and mix it up on low for about 2 minutes.
To the warm water in  separate bowl add the sugar and the active dry yeast, mix it up and get rid of any lumps. Let it sit for about 10-15 min.
Then add the sour dough starter and the yeast mixture , that should be frothy at the top to the bowl by now.
Mix all of it on low for about 5 minutes, then take a spatular and remove anything from the side and from the bottom, so that there are no dry flower pockets are left. Mix on low for another 2 minutes.
Remove the dough hook, cover the bowl with a towel and store it in a warm place for 60 minutes.
After 60 minutes, spray a baking form with Pam or something similar, transfer the dough (should have doubled now) into the baking form and let it sit for another 30 minutes in a warm place.
Preheat the oven using convection to 425C. After 30 minutes spray the bread with water. It is ok, if there are 2-3 mm of water standing on the side of the dough.
Bake for 30-35 minutes.
Turn off the oven, let it sit in the oven for about another 4-5 minutes, then remove it. Now it should come out perfectly out of the form. Put on a cooling rack.
Of course I couldn't wait till it was completely cold, so I cut a slice while it was rather hot, added some Kerry Gold butter and yum.... yum... yum... that is a home run.

Chinese Chives:

The bread:



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