Wuerzfleisch Deconstructed

I had some left over from a pork loin. So I decided it is time to  look at Wuerzfleisch again. However I decided to take a few short cuts as some things in my fridge/freezer needed a home.
In March I talked about meatballs and many meals and I mentioned I freeze the cooking liquid.
Here we go:
Remaining cooking liquid from meatballs
2 bay leaves
1/2 lb of chopped pork, 1cmx1cm cubes
6 cremini mushrooms sliced

When the liquid boils, add the chooped pork, cook for 20 minutes and turn off. Add the sliced cremini mushrooms.
Then time got away from me and I just let it cool down. For dinner I added several good dashes of Worcestershire Sauce (I love that stuff) and brought it to a boil again. In a Coffee mug,  fill half with water and add 2tbsp of corn starch, mix well so that there are no lumps. Slowly add the corn starch mixture to the boiling Wuerzfleisch stirring constantly. Stop when you have your desired thickness. Let it simmer for 2-3 more minutes and turn it off. Grate a cheeze of your liking. I like smoked goulda with that.
In a ramekin add the Wuerzfleish, a dash of Worcestershire Sauce, and the cheese. To melt it just pour some more of the sauce over it. Serve with a fresh slice of toast.

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