Burda - page 234 (Day 5) Chicken Fricassee

The original recipe calls also for  mushrooms. I didn't have them. My variation goes like that:

6 chicken thighs without skin and bones (any remaining attached fat is welcome to stay :) )
1 large onion coarsely chopped
1/2 tsb of allspice
1 clove
1 bay leave
2 slice of lemon
2 tbsp sour cream
1/4 cup half/half
2 tsp corn starch
1 tetra pack of veggie broth
1 tsb of margarine
3 tbsp capers ( I love them, use less if you don't)
1 tbsp caper liquid

Chop the chicken thighs to  small  bite sizes chunks.
In a Dutch oven, add the margarine and let it melt. Add the chicken and let it sear from the outside for about 5 minutes (keep stirring). Don't let it get really brown. This is not what we are after.
Add the veggie broth, allspice, clove, bay leave. Bring it to a boil, turn the heat down, cover and let it simmer for 45 minutes. Stir occasionally.
After 45 minutes add the mix the half/half and the corn starch. No lumps please. Turn the heat on high and slowly stir in the cornstarch and half/half mixture. This thickens your liquid. When you have the desired thickness add the lemon, capers and caper liquid. Let it boil for 1 minutes and turn off the heat.
Serve with rice or potatoes and a side salad

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