Burda - page 79 (Day 6) Leberknödelsuppe (Liver Dumpling Soup)

I know liver is not something for everyone. This will still have a liver taste.
We need

2 tetra packs of beef broth,
2 cubes of beef broth.
4 slices of calve liver, still a bit frozen
1/3 lbs of lean ground beef
2 small cut onions
1 slice of extra thick cut bacon, or 2 regular thickness, cut into small pieces
parsley (dried or fresh)
1/3 cup of breadcrumbs
salt, pepper, nutmeg

Put the liver through the meat grinder into a bowl. Add the ground beef, set aside in the fridge.
In a pan render the bacon, add the onions let it cook till the onions get translucent. Add a bit of nutmeg, parsley, marjoram, a little salt and pepper.  When the onions are translucent, turn off the heat and set aside. This needs to cool down.
Bring the beef broth to a simmer in a pot that is wide enough to hold all dumplings, add the 2 cubes of beef broth for additional spice.
Take the liver beef mix out of the fridge, add the onion/spice mix, the breadcrumbs and a little salt and pepper, Mix everything well. With 2 spoons make little oval shaped balls and drop them into the heated broth. Turn the heat down a bit. It should not simmer anymore. Add all dumplings.
They will float to the top. Until done they need about 15-20 minutes. Serve with the broth.

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