Veggie Soup with Saussage

After a long weekend with lots of food, there are usually some left overs in the fridge that need a purpose. I found a bag of green beans and a cauliflower as well as some Eckrich Turkey sausage. 2 tetra packs of organic chicken broth were still hanging out in the pantry. We got the base 1.5 packs of Eckrich Turkey Sausage 1 cup of celery 2 large onions coarsely chopped 1 bag of green beans (they are already cleaned, cut into 1 inch pieces) 1 Cauliflower (cut into chunks) 2 tetra packs of slow sodium organic chicken broth 6 large potatoes (peeled and cut into 1" cubes") 4 fresh shitake mushrooms, cut into slices 1/4 tsp thyme 1/2 tsp of ground allspice 3 tsp of Maggie Chicken Bullion 1 large fresh bay leaf 1 tbsp of veggie oil In a large Dutch Oven heat up the olive oil, add the onions, sausage slices and the celery. Let it all get some color, but don't burn it. Empty the 2 tetra packs of chicken broth. Bring to a boil, add the green beans and let it simmer for 5 minutes....