Mom's lemon cake

For some reason I did bake the last 2 weekends. I decided to bake this week again.
I wanted mom's lemon cake. The challenge is always to cut down the recipes, so I don't eat for the next week on something.

Here we go:
100g unsalted butter (take a good one like Finnlandia) at room temperature
the zest of  1 lemon
125g sugar
2 eggs
75g corn starch
75g all purpose flower
3/4 tsp baking power

juice of 1/2 lemon
confectioners sugar

Preheat the oven to 360F.

Put both flowers into a bowl and mix them up.  All mixing with the stand mixer is done on low. In the mixing bowl of the stand mixer, add the butter and the lemon zest. and start mixing for 1 minute.
Add 1 egg and half of the sugar and mix for about 90 seconds on low. Add 1 tbsp of the flower mixture and mix for 1 minute. Add the 2. egg and the remaining sugar. Mix for 2 minutes. Slowly add more flower and mix. When half of the flower is incorporated, add the baking power into the remaining flower and mix well. Add the remaining flower slowly and mix for another minute or so. There should not be any lumps.

Line a 8x8x2 baking form with parchment paper. Fill all the dough into form and smooth it out as good as it gets.
Bake for 25 min or there about. While it is baking put the juice into a cup and add confectioners sugar. The glaze needs to be be fairly solid, just a little bit runny.

After 25 minutes test with little wooden tooth pick if the cake is done. If nothing sticks to the tooth pick it is done.
Take out the cake and put the glaze over it and distribute. You need to work fairly fast as the glaze will set fast.
Enjoy with some whip cream and a nice cup of coffee or tea.

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