What Has Egg Salad To Do With Potato Salad.

While I was making a potato salad, I decided to make an egg salad as well.
The ingredients are almost the same, except for the potatoes and the sour cream. (One can add eggs to a potato salad btw)
  • 6 large hard boiled eggs
  • 2 tsp mayo
  • 1/2 small red onion finely chopped
  • 1/2 spear of Famous Dave's spicy pickles finely chopped 
  • 1 tbsp of pickling liquid from the pickles
  • 1 tbsp of capers
  • salt and pepper to taste
On the internet I found the following instructions how to cook hard boiled eggs, so they never that that blue outline on the yolk. I only buy large eggs and that works very well.
In a pot  add the eggs and make sure they are not stacked. They should be all laying flat. Cover with water about 1/2" above them. Put on high heat and bring to a boil. As soon as they are boiling (not just tiny bubbles are showing), set the timer to 6 minutes. When the timer barks, drain them. If you need them cold for a salad add cold water and ice cubes, to cool them down rapidly. If they are a part of a hot dish e.g. eggs with mustard sauce, just serve them  with the other parts of the dish.

For the egg salad version. Once the eggs are cold, peel them and cut them. I use an egg slicer and cut them into slices, then take the egg, rotate 90 degrees and cut again.
Add them to a bowl and all the rest of the ingredients and mix. 
I put the salad back into the fridge and let it sit for a day or 2. 
Then it depends what I serve it with. This time it is just a toast with butter with it. In Deli's in Germany this would be fully finished. I just felt like eating it deconstructed.



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